changes lives
Margaret is a Writer, Workshop Leader and Speaker.
Through Writing
I adore the surprises that emerge on the pages in a group setting, the writing voices that strengthen, that grow more adventurous, more brave, more individual. There is often laughter, fun, and always a growth in empathy and trust. We all come away richer for creating, sharing if we wish (this is always optional) and actively listening to each other's words. There really is nothing like it.
This is about writing, of course, but it’s also about so much more. In my own life it has had a ripple effect that goes far beyond writing, spilling out into other aspects of daily living. I can safely bet it is similar for others. Join me in writing or craft-focused workshops, open-mic nights, and more. I look forward to creating with you!
Being part of an expertly facilitated writing group brings you and your writing to a new level. You are stimulated by the prompts I use, by the input of your fellow-writers and supported by the robust framework and philosophy of the Amherst Writers and Artists Method.
An Inspirational Journal by Margaret
This journal offers you the space and the tools to pause and take stock of how you are on a daily basis. It uniquely uses the Beaufort Wind Scale to scaffold your reflections and monitor your inner weather. You will also find here a daily invitation to notice beauty in your day and the opportunity for a guided weekly reflection.

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